***** 1 = ***** NEW YEAR *****
***** 2 =
***** 3 = ***** AIN'T *****
laaaaaaaaaa......3 bende jek pon...bukn nyerr bnyk mne....ank buah aku pon bleh bce nh * promote dh ade ank buah *:PPPPPPkite pusing story skit....ckp psl ank buah, aku ade 6 org kesemue nyerrrr...bleh thn gk bilangan nyerrr...hero nyer yg bersepah skit sampai 4 org....heroin plk lo profile dlu wt smentare nh agk nyerrr....6 - 4 = 2 org je lh mkne nyerrr yg bergelar ank dara nanti...nk djdikn modal berstory, ats aku ade 3 org ( Kakak , Abang Kakak )...msg2 dh ade 2 org anak....aku bile lg nh????hahaaha B)
* ank ape nyerr, hidop pon xtau hala tuju...tibe2 tergntung smentre * =,=
sambung blek story.....ble pkir2 blek, aku xpost pape pon tok new year ari tuh....knape kah????ape kah?????bagaimane kah?????haissshhhh....bnyk tol soklan yg membentak2....ade jek yg xdipuas hatikn....errr, mne aku bljr BM nh???? abaikn je lh....B) tp adakah masih boleh dikire sbg taon baru kalo aku nk wish skang nh????kalo tgk tarikh kt pc nh, dh 07012011....agk mlampau2 lmbt nyer wlaupn baru 7 hari berlalu....ahhhh!!!lntakkn ape yg org nk ckp...no matter what it is, I'm still goin' to wish everyone :
Each moment in a day has its own value.....
Morning brings HOPE,
Afternoon brings FAITH,
Evening brings LOVE,
and, in the nightfall brings REST for us to face the next day
Happy New Year 2011.......... |
PHEWWW...aelesai sudah me'wish' mmber2 wlaupun dh terlajak hari nyer...actually, setiaqp hari tatkala aku celik kan mate nh, mmg same je bnde yg akn buat * current condition *tp betol lh pepatah Melayu ade mengatakan ' alah bisa, tegal biasa '...xtsu lh plak kalo korang xpenah dgr bnde alah nh....kalo ade yg tau bagus lh.....aku sbnr nyer, dh tatau ape yg patot di'entry' kn...aku tercangak kt new post blogger nh pon on reason/s......xbnyk sgt reason nyer...
the next thing, I'm not goin' to update my entry anymore....* jz for couple of months....I GUESS * got something to do ( undergoin' treatments )....HAAAAAAA!!! i've found it....the main reason why i'm sitting on this chair, looking forward to my *site*, making an entry for the very last tyme in this month n it'll last for couple of months....
bg sesape yg tau aku saket ape, aku akn mnjlni treatment yg disyorkn oleh doktor....name treatment nyer agk pelik bg org yg xpenah dgr....embolisation...kalo nk tau detail klik aje lh link tuh....hbeskn pmbcaan n korang akn phm....kalo xphm gk, rjen2 kn bertnye.....tp smpai lh di wktu ketika ini, aku masih xdpt nk buat kputusan psl treatment nh...patot ke x....ade saje pro n cons nyerr...=,=
cukop lh psl nh....mls nk story lebih2....xde point pon sbnr nyer...pdhl dlm kpale bnyk bnde nk type nh.....
nh ade lg satu sbg tmbhn....bukn ape lh, saje nk penuhkn post...memandangkn nh blog yg baru aku, agk susah ler nk mngumpulkn org blek agr brtndang ke sini....*blog lme dh berkubur*....dan sbg permulaan aku nk thnx-ing kpd yg sudi menjengah wlaupun xseberape tmbh plak dgn lagu yg pelik2 sblh tuh...hahahha smpaikn org yg make a visit pon dh mncecah :
terharu kejap...hahahaaha :PPP |
akhir kalam,
********* dh pnjg sgt nh...korang bace je lh post2 yg mendatang...entry pnjg2 pon buat blog jd kurg mnarek * dull * also ************
adios dihulur tanpa dilapik-lapik....ditepek teros straight forward.....
ain't chasing those stars anymore....ain't depending on another perfect line...ain't seeing any situation rises...just because I've been on that brink -,-